Biopic Nirvana. The new biopic on the life of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain will be "raw and chaotic", says the film's new director Oren Moverman. A Screenwriter's Rant: Nirvana: Kurt Cobain Trailer Reaction.
Sauter à la navigation Sauter à la recherche. (fin XXe siècle - début XXIe siècle) Emprunté à l'anglais biopic. biopic \bjɔ.pik\ masculin. (Anglicisme) (Cinéma) Film biographique, racontant la vie d'une personne réelle (ou plusieurs).
Ma al biopic dei Nirvana la signora Love si è detta assolutamente favorevole seppur con un distinguo, ovvero avere voce in capitolo sulla scelta dell'attore che interpreterà la parte dell'ex marito Kurt.
If they were to ever make a biopic based on their incredible front man and. After the documentary on Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was released earlier this year, a full biopic is reportedly in the works. Join the thousands who've upgraded to Nirvana Pro.