Biopic Pink Floyd. Nick Mason - Batería, percusión, coros. Pink Floyd is one of the most successful and influential rock groups in history.
Richard Wright - Órgano, piano, teclados, voz.
Pink Floyd: Roger Waters - Bajo, voz.
One of the reasons that other biopics have enjoyed success is a great director and excellent casting. Gaining a following as a psychedelic pop group, they were distinguished for their extended compositions, sonic experimentation. (nrm); Pink Floyd (kab); Pink Floyd (ie); פינק פלויד (he); Pink Floyd (tt); 粉紅弗洛伊德 (zh-yue); Pink Floyd (en-ca); పింక్ ఫ్లాయిడ్ (te); پینک فلوید (fa); Pink Floyd (ga); Pink Floyd (nds). Nick Mason - Batería, percusión, coros.